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WormBase Tree Display for Construct: WBCnstr00019842

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Construction_summary[ptp-3B::gfp] translational fusion. To create the ptp-3B::GFP minigene, a unique Pst I site in the ptp-3B cDNA immediately 3' to the coding region for the second phosphatase domain was used to insert GFP coding sequence (GFP variant F64L S65T) in frame with the PTP-3B protein (clone pBH8). A 14651 bp NcoI-NotI fragment from cosmid F38A3, corresponding to the ptp-3B promoter and exons 14-20 was cloned into pSL1190 (pBH1). From pBH8 a 5 kb NotI fragment was cloned into the NotI site of pBH1. The resulting clone, pCZ406, contains genomic sequence for the promoter and the first approx. 6.5 exons of PTP-3B; the second half of exon 19 and subsequent exons are present as cDNA, tagged with GFP. --precise ends.