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WormBase Tree Display for DO_term: DOID:0080560

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DOID:0080560Namecongenital disorder of glycosylation Ih
DefinitionA congenital disorder of glycosylation I that is characterized by gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting, feeding problems with failure to thrive, protein-losing enteropathy), edema and ascites (including hydrops fetalis), hepatomegaly, renal tubulopathy, coagulation anomalies due to thrombocytopenia, brain involvement (psychomotor delay, seizures, ataxia), facial dysmorphism (low-set ears and retrognathia), pes equinovarus, and muscular hypotonia and has_material_basis_in heterozygous mutation in the gene encoding dolichyl-P-glucose:Glc-1-Man-9-GlcNAc-2-PP-dolichyl-alpha-3-glucosyltransferase on chromosome 11q14.
SynonymExactcongenital disorder of glycosylation 1h