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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr15541

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Expr15541Expression_of (2)
Subcellular_localizationIn spermatozoa, both MFP2 and MSD-1 antibodies localize to the pseudopod, matching the known pattern in Ascaris spermatozoa. Within prophase and meiotically dividing spermatocytes, MFP2 and MSD-1 antibodies labelled discrete structures throughout the cytoplasm in a pattern strongly resembling FBs labelled by MSP antibodies. To verify that NSPH-2 and MSD-1 localized to FBs, we co-labelled male germline with anti-MSP and either anti-MSD-1 or anti-NSPH-2 antibodies. Within spermatocytes, the fully overlapping patterns revealed that NSPH-2 and MSD-1 are packaged along with MSP in the FBs. In spermatids, the MSP and MSD-1 were overlapping. In contrast, except in immature spermatids that still retained their FBs, the NSPH-2 and MSP patterns only partially overlapped. In spermatids, the NSPH-2 labelling was notably less robust which may suggest that a change in protein conformation or binding partners is blocking the antigenic site.