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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr2547

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Name Class

Expr2547Expression_of (2)
Subcellular_localizationLabeling with gold particles of large gap junctions was detected in the pharynxes of adult animals. No labeling of gap junctions was detected in other tissues, such as intestine and hypodermis, or of other well-preserved junction types, such as adherens junctions. Although similar large gap junctions are present in the anterior pharynx, only gap junctions in the posterior pharynx, where inx-3 is expressed, were detected by immuno-EM.
TypeAntibodyImmuno-EM. INX-3 was examined in the pharynx, using anti-INX-3 as the primary antibody and a gold-labeled secondary antibody. Same antibody as Expr2546.