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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr2707

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Name Class

Expr2707Expression_of (2)
Expression_dataAnatomy_term (49)
TypeReporter_gene[ser-2::gfp] transcriptional fusion constructs. Ser-2 reporter constructs were generated by using a PCR fusion protocol, using pPD95.75 as a template for green fluorescent protein (gfp). For all gfp fusion primers listed, gfp vector sequence is indicated in lowercase, and gene-specific sequence is indicated in uppercase.
[ser-2::gfp] translational fusion. A translational fusion of the whole ser-2 locus to gfp was created by using an in vivo recombination technique. Specifically, two overlapping PCR fragments, one containing the 5' part of a locus, the other containing the remainder of the locus PCR-fused to gfp, were coinjected into the worm. Recombination of these two fragments via the homologous region leads to the expression of a full-length ser-2::gfp fusion.
PatternExpression using the upstream regulatory regions of exon 1bc (ser-2prom2::gfp) is mostly restricted to the AIYL/R, AIZL/R, RID, DVA, BDUL/R, SIADL/R, and SIAVL/R interneurons. Less consistent expression is observed in PVT. In addition, expression is observed in the RMEL/R motor neurons. Outside the nervous system, expression can be observed in the excretory gland cells.
No more transcriptional regulatory information is contained within intronic regions by generating a fusion of gfp to the full coding genomic ser-2 locus using an in vivo recombination technique([ser-2::gfp] translational fusion. Transgenic animals expressing such a construct show an expression pattern similar to the one observed with the ser-2prom1::gfp construct.
The upstream regulatory region of the third splice form, containing exon 1d(ser-2prom3::gfp), drives expression exclusively in two sensory neuron classes, OLL(L/R) and PVD(L/R).
ser-2prom1::gfp is expressed in the AIY interneuron class and a set of unidentified neurons. These neurons were identified as head and tail interneuron classes, namely AVHL/R, AUAL/R, AIYL/R, RICL/R, SABVL/R, RID, RIAL/R, SABD, SDQ, CANL/R, DA9, LUAL/R, ALNL/R, and PVCL/R. In addition to its expression in neurons, ser-2prom1::gfp is also expressed in pharyngeal cells (NSM neurons and pm1/6 muscles) and in head muscles. In males, expression can be observed in posterior dorsal and ventral body wall muscles, the male-specific diagonal muscles, and several posterior neurons likely to be CP neurons.
Transgene (3)