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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr3405

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Expression_dataGO_term (2)
Subcellular_localizationSpecific GFP signals were observed at the ciliary transition zones and along the ciliary axonemes of both head and tail ciliated neurons. The localization of the BBS::GFP proteins overlaps with that of IFT proteins, including OSM-5, OSM-6, XBX-1, and CHE-13, all of which show prominent localization at the transition zones and along the ciliary axonemes of ciliated neurons. Discrete GFP fluorescence signals corresponding to transition zones of other neurons, including inner and outer labial neurons, were often observed closer to the anterior end of the animal. Taken together, the BBS protein function predominantly at the ciliary transition zones and axonemes.
RemarkThe BBS-GFP fusion protein exhibited some localization in the cell bodies, and to a lesser extent, in the neuronal dendrites; however, these signals may be largely nonspecific, due to overexpression of the transgenes.
bbs-7 = osm-12 in this paper.