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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr3800

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Expression_dataGO_term (4)
Subcellular_localizationDissected gonads were costained with antibodies to HIM-8 and to the NE proteins LMN-1/lamin or SUN-1/matefin. Close association between HIM-8 foci and nuclear-envelope staining is clearly evident, particularly in individual optical sections from these data sets. Fluorescence-intensity profiles confirm that HIM-8 foci are peripheral with respect to the mass of DAPI-stained chromatin and lie very close to or embedded within the nuclear lamina. Frequently, HIM-8 foci have a crescent-shaped appearance, especially in the transition zone, as if the protein localizes to a patch along the nuclear surface. In him-8(me4), the only mutant allele in which HIM-8 foci remain associated with the X PC, the protein also retains its localization at the NE.
Antibody_info (2)