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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr48

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Expr48Expression_of (3)
PatternIntense embryonic staining. Expression appeared to be nuclear localised in the majority of cells, strongly in the AB lineage, at the 28 cell stage. Often staining was throughout the embryo. As development progressed further into gastrulation, a few embryos showed a restricted nuclear localised pattern and determination of cell stage became increasingly difficult as the intense b-galactosidase staining masked the nuclear DAPI staining. Expression appeared to cease prior to the comma stage and was never observed in larval or adult stages.
RemarkSequencing revealed reporter fusion junction lies in T27D12. ...CTAATAGAGGAAACTTGGTTTGATC/lacZ. Legacy Data: Author "Arnold JM" "Hope IA". Date 1992-03.
Young and Hope (1993). Dev. Dynam. 196:124-132 = [cgc1752]