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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr6721

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Name Class

Expr6721Expression_of (2)
Expression_data (2)
TypeReporter_gene[T20D4.18::gfp] transcriptional fusion. PCR products were amplified using primer A: 5' [AATAATCCATCAAAGGGTCCG] 3' and primer B 5' [GGCAATGCACTTGATAGGAAA] 3'.
PatternLarval Expression: hypodermis; Nervous System; neurons along body;
RemarkAlso expressed in (comments from author) : Note: primers are not unique and produce 2 products.Mosaic population. The cell body of the neuron is in the tail, and does not express in all larvae.Interesting localization pattern, possibly subcellular but seems non-nuclear
Strain: BC12016