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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr8395

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Name Class

Expr8395Expression_of (2)
Expression_dataGO_term (3)
Subcellular_localizationGFP::WVE-1 is diffusely cytoplasmic and is enriched at cell boundaries in all cells, with particularly high expression in the larval nerve ring, which includes glial cells and axonal projections. This pattern is highly reminiscent of the localization pattern of GFP::GEX-3. At the bean stage the rescuing GFP::WVE-1 and GFP::GEX-3 proteins are basolateral in epidermal cells, basal to the junctional component AJM-1. At the bean stage, and later throughout development, internal organs show highest GFP-WVE-1 and GFP::GEX-3 enrichment in another epithelial domain, the region apical to the junctional component AJM-1
RemarkPicture: Figs. 6A, B.