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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr9444

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Name Class

Expr9444Expression_of (2)
Expression_dataAnatomy_term (18)
Subcellular_localization (2)
Patternnlg-1 is expressed in a subset of neurons in C. elegans adults, including ~20 cells in the ventral nerve cord and ~20 cells in the head. The nlg-1-expressing cells in the ventral nerve cord were identified as the cholinergic VA and DA motor neurons. Authors also identified the two AIY and two URB interneurons and the four URA motor neurons in the head, and the two PVD mechanosensory and two HSN motor neurons in the body, as nlg-1-expressing cells. Finally, faint Pnlg-1::YFP expression was also observed in body wall muscles.