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WormBase Tree Display for Expression_cluster: WBPaper00041939:UVC-EtBr-exposed_vs_UVC-exposed_3h

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WBPaper00041939:UVC-EtBr-exposed_vs_UVC-exposed_3hDescriptionGenes differentially expressed under EtBr treatment and UVC exposure vs under UVC exposure but without EtBr treatment at the -45h timepoint (3 hours after the first UVC dose).
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
AlgorithmTranscripts were defined as fold-change >1.2, p < 0.05 based on Rosetta Resolver analysis for all pairwise treatment comparisons. The fold-change refers to the second intensity over the first.
Microarray_results (183)
Gene (177)
Attribute_ofMicroarray_experiment (8)
RegulationRegulated_by_treatmentUVC-EtBr-exposed(exposed to 7.5 J/m2 UVC radiation 3 times, 24 h apart (48 h total) and exposed to EtBr (5ug/mL in agar).) vs UVC-exposed(exposed to 7.5 J/m2 UVC radiation 3 times, 24 h apart (48 h total).) at 3 h after the first UVC dose (3h).