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WormBase Tree Display for Feature: WBsf963084

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Name Class

OriginSpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
Visible (2)
Defined_byDefined_by_analysis (5)
RemarkDefined by RNASeq data (example read: SRR124275.25091604.+.SL1 - 68M) from RNASeq.elegans.CB1370.WBls:0000031.Hermaphrodite.WBbt:0007833.PRJNA33023.SRX047470 with 2 reads
Defined by RNASeq data (example read: SRR027187.4708722.+.SL1 - 28M) from RNASeq.elegans.CB1370.WBls:0000032.Hermaphrodite.WBbt:0007833.PRJNA33023.SRX008138 with 1 reads
Defined by RNASeq data (example read: SRR089363.8646990.+.SL1 - 67M) from RNASeq.elegans.N2.WBls:0000041.Hermaphrodite.WBbt:0007833.PRJNA33023.SRX036970 with 1 reads
Defined by RNASeq data (example read: SRR031113.41439324.+.SL1 - 28M) from RNASeq.elegans.N2.WBls:0000063.Hermaphrodite.WBbt:0007833.PRJNA33023.SRX014006 with 1 reads
Defined by RNASeq data (example read: SRR031120.51904322.+.SL1 - 28M) from RNASeq.elegans.N2.WBls:0000063.Hermaphrodite.WBbt:0007833.PRJNA33023.SRX014009 with 1 reads