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WormBase Tree Display for Feature_data: B0496:Polysome

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Name Class

FeaturePolysome2166220117Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
356035951Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
16869169043Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
20929209411Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
21033210551Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
210892112417Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
27128271632Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
27197271971Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
271982723238Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
272332723337Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
28298283331Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
33022330571Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
33069331044Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
341943422949Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)