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WormBase Tree Display for Feature_data: H39E23:Polysome

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Name Class

FeaturePolysome801180112Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
801280466Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
804780474Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
8173820824Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
844384571Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
894389631Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
909691314Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
978098156Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
10934109561Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
11821118251Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
11826118335Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
11834118614Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
15784157841Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
157851581912Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
158201582011Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
16236162711Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
16359163942Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
18605186401Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)