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WormBase Tree Display for Feature_data: R10E12:Polysome

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Name Class

FeaturePolysome336133961Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
367237071Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
379437953Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
3796382112Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
3822382914Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
3830383111Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
383238572Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
603060653Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
616562001Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
622162323Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
623362565Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
625762602Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
6261626826Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
6269629624Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
13216132511Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)