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WormBase Tree Display for Gene: WBGene00000229

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Name Class

Identity (6)
Allele (29)
RNASeq_FPKM (74)
GO_annotation (53)
Ortholog (35)
ParalogWBGene00004959Caenorhabditis elegansFrom_analysisWormBase-Compara
WBGene00006921Caenorhabditis elegansFrom_analysisWormBase-Compara
WBGene00010419Caenorhabditis elegansFrom_analysisWormBase-Compara
WBGene00012040Caenorhabditis elegansFrom_analysisWormBase-Compara
WBGene00013025Caenorhabditis elegansFrom_analysisWormBase-Compara
Structured_descriptionConcise_descriptionatp-2 encodes the beta subunit of the soluble, catalytic F1 portion of ATP synthase (mitochondrial respiratory chain [MRC] complex V); atp-2 activity is required for embryonic and larval development past the L3 stage, as well as for normal mobility, pharyngeal pumping, defecation, growth rate, and larval lifespan; in males, atp-2 activity is also required cell autonomously in male-specific sensory neurons for response to hermaphrodite contact, the first step in a series of stereotypical male mating behaviors; in vitro, the N-terminus of ATP-2 interacts directly with the conserved PLAT domains of human polycystin (PC)-1 and C. elegans LOV-1, which is expressed exclusively in adult male sensory neurons and is also required for the response to hermaphrodite contact; atp-2 is widely expressed throughout development in both sexes; ATP-2 localizes to mitochondria and to cilia of male-specific neurons; in the male-specific CEM neurons ATP-2 colocalizes with PKD-2, the C. elegans homolog of human polycystin (PC)-2.Paper_evidence (3)
Date_last_updated16 Jan 2007 00:00:00
Automated_descriptionEnables protein domain specific binding activity. Involved in several processes, including determination of adult lifespan; inductive cell migration; and pharyngeal pumping. Located in mitochondrion and non-motile cilium. Expressed in HOB; head; ray neuron type B; and tail. Is an ortholog of human ATP5F1B (ATP synthase F1 subunit beta).Paper_evidenceWBPaper00065943
Inferred_automaticallyThis description was generated automatically by a script based on data from the WS291 version of WormBase
Date_last_updated29 Nov 2023 00:00:00
Other_sequence (447)
Associated_feature (19)
Experimental_info (11)
Map_info (4)
Reference (48)
RemarkSequence connection from [Tsang LW, Lemire BD]
Map position created from combination of previous interpolated map position (based on known location of sequence) and allele information. Therefore this is not a genetic map position based on recombination frequencies or genetic experiments. This was done on advice of the CGC.CGC_data_submission