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WormBase Tree Display for Interaction: WBInteraction000504526

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InteractorInteractor_overlapping_gene (2)
Interaction_summaryThe hypomorphic mutant unc-108(n3263) was crossed to the APL-1::GFP expressing strain. One of the head inter-neurons appeared to have a back-up of protein in the cell body. This aggregation of protein in a distinct compartment was also seen in ventral cord neurons. We then performed colocalization experiments by generating strains expressing APL-1::GFP and mCherry::UNC-108. Similar to the colocalization with RAB-5, APL-1 is found in overlapping puncta with UNC-108 in neurons, demonstrating APL-1 localization to the same compartment.
Detection_methodReporter_gene[apl-1::gfp], translational fusion