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WormBase Tree Display for Interaction: WBInteraction000557935

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Interactor (2)
Interaction_summary"We tested whether ANC-1 localized properly in a collection of unc-84 mutant backgrounds. ANC-1 failed to localize to the nuclear periphery in the null unc-84 allele and in alleles that have missense mutations in or near the conserved SUN (for Sad1p, UNC-84 homology) domain of UNC-84 and that disrupt both nuclear migration and anchorage (6) (Fig. 2E). In contrast, ANC-1 was detected at the nuclear envelope in unc-84 alleles that have missense mutations or small deletions in the NH2-terminus of UNC-84 and that disrupt only migration (6) (Fig. 2F). ANC-1 was still detected at normal levels in the cytoplasm in all unc-84 mutants."
Subcellular_localizationnuclear envelope
RemarkFig. 2e