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WormBase Tree Display for Interaction: WBInteraction000578879

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Variation_interactor (2)
Interaction_summaryWe found no significant change in the brood size of the worms between wild type and linc-9; linc-20 worms (Fig. 1A, 27314 and 27512, n = 20,19 respectively, p value = 0.8 by the two tailed Mann-Whitney test). This result suggests that just like the single mutations (Ishtayeh et al. 2021), the double mutation of linc-9 and linc-20 does not reduce C. elegans fertility under normal laboratory conditions.
Neither linc-9 nor linc-20 led to increased embryonic lethality compared to wild-type worms (Ishtayeh et al. 2021). To test if the combined linc-9; linc-20 leads to increased embryonic lethality, we scored the percentage of unhatched embryos laid by wild-type vs. linc-9; linc-20 worms. We found no significant change between the strains (Fig. 1B, 0.6%0.3% and 0.6%0.2%, n= 20,19 respectively, p value = 0.4 by the two tailed Mann-Whitney test). Therefore, the combined mutations do not lead to increased embryonic lethality.