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WormBase Tree Display for Paper: WBPaper00051596

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ReferenceTitleLongevity in the uncommon context of increased protein production and turnover: insight into the mode-of-action of the lifespan-extending compound royalactin.
JournalInternational Worm Meeting
AuthorDetienne, G.PersonWBPerson28531
De Haes, W.PersonWBPerson15168
Braeckman, B.PersonWBPerson2563
Schoofs, L.PersonWBPerson6671
Temmerman, L.PersonWBPerson6677
Person (5)
AffiliationFunctional Genomics and Proteomics, Department of Biology, KU Leuven University, Belgium.
Molecular and Functional Neurobiology, Department of Biology, KU Leuven University, Belgium.
Aging Physiology and Molecular Evolution, Department of Biology, Ghent University, Belgium.
Brief_citationDetienne, G. et al. (2017) International Worm Meeting "Longevity in the uncommon context of increased protein production and turnover: ...."
Refers_toGene (5)
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans