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WormBase Tree Display for Paper: WBPaper00051640

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ReferenceTitleFunctional decline of the nervous system associated to pathological aging.
JournalInternational Worm Meeting
AuthorMartineau, C.N.PersonWBPerson36009
Baskaner, B.PersonWBPerson38468
Seinstra, R.I.PersonWBPerson18928
Schaffer, W.R.PersonWBPerson554
Brown, A.E.X.PersonWBPerson13886
Laurent, P.PersonWBPerson6831
Nollen, E.A.A.PersonWBPerson2582
Person (7)
AffiliationULB Institute for Neuroscience, ULB, Brussels, BE
European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing, UMCG, University of Groningen, NL
Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC, Cambridge, UK
London Institute of Medical Sciences, MRC, London, UK
Brief_citationMartineau, C.N. et al. (2017) International Worm Meeting "Functional decline of the nervous system associated to pathological ...."
Refers_toSpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans