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WormBase Tree Display for Paper: WBPaper00057689

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ReferenceTitleFormation of a salt-sensing compartment at the tip of cilia.
JournalInternational Worm Meeting
Authorvan der Burght, Servaas
Rademakers, Suzanne
Johnson, Jacque-Lynne
Li, Chunmei
Leroux, Michel
Jansen, Gert
AffiliationDept. of Cell Biology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Dept. of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C., Canada
Brief_citationvan der Burght, Servaas et al. (2019) International Worm Meeting "Formation of a salt-sensing compartment at the tip of cilia."
Refers_toGeneWBGene00000244Inferred_automaticallyAbstract read BBS-8
WBGene00001547Inferred_automaticallyAbstract read GCY-22
WBGene00007490Inferred_automaticallyAbstract read MKS-5
WBGene00000917Inferred_automaticallyAbstract read DAF-25
Abstract read daf-25
WBGene00003884Inferred_automaticallyAbstract read OSM-3
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans