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WormBase Tree Display for Person: WBPerson268

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Name Class

Name (6)
AddressStreet_address77 Massachusetts Avenue
Department of Biology 68-425
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139
CountryUnited States of America
InstitutionMassachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge MA, United States of America; Department of Biology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge MA, United States of America; McGovern Institute for Brain Research
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge MA, United States of America; Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Web_page (2)
Tracking (2)
Community_curation (2)
LineageSupervised (110)
Supervised_byWBPerson77Postdoc01 JAN 1974 00:00:0001 JAN 1978 00:00:00
Worked_with (259)
PublicationPaper (876)
Possibly_publishes_as (15)