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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000008008

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WBPicture0000008008DescriptionFigure 5. Expression pattern of dbl-1::gfp reporter transgenes. All photographs are oriented anterior-left and ventral-down except (E) and (F), which are ventral views. Left panels, Nomarski and right panels, fluorescence images. (A,B) An L4 hermaphrodite. Note the line of dbl-1-expressing neurons in the ventral nerve cord. Arrowhead indicates CANL. (C,D) Head region of an L4 hermaphrodite. Cells tentatively identified as anterior muscle cells (arrowheads) and pharyngeal neurons express dbl-1::gfp. (E,F) Ventral view of posterior trunk (P9.p-P10.p region). Cell bodies of five neurons are seen to express the reporter. The axon bundle of the ventral cord is also visible due to the accumulation of cytoplasmic GFP from the reporter lacking a nuclear localization signal. Arrowheads indicate the cell bodies of the DB7 and DA7 neurons, which send processes circumferentially to the dorsal nerve cord. (G,H) An L4 male tail undergoing morphogenesis. Arrowheads indicate expression of dbl-1::gfp in the spicule socket cells along developing spicules. Another dorsally located expressing cell, seen out of focus, is the DVA neuron.
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