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WBPicture0000008287DescriptionFigure 3. ARR-1::GFP is expressed in the nervous system. A, schematic diagram of arr-1::GFP. 3 kb of sequence upstream from the translational start site of arr-1 serves as a promoter driving 3.2 kb of arr-1 coding sequence fused to GFP. This construct should drive expression of full-length ARR-1 containing a C-terminal GFP. B, ARR-1::GFP expression in transgenic adult animal. Fluorescence is concentrated throughout the nervous system as detailed in C-F. C, ARR-1::GFP expression in the head of a transgenic adult. Fluorescence is observed in the amphid process (arrowhead), nerve ring (large arrow), ventral (small arrow) and dorsal nerve cords, and most or all neuronal cell bodies. A confocal image representing 24 focal planes through the animal is shown. D, ARR-1::GFP is expressed in amphid chemosensory neurons. A confocal image of a single focal plane in the head of an ARR-1::GFP expressing animal is shown. The animal was double-labeled with the red lipophilic dye DiD, which fills a subset of chemosensory neurons whose names are indicated with arrows. ADL (amphid, dual ciliated neuron) appears red as it is labeled with DiD, but in this animal showed no green ARR-1::GFP fluorescence. All other DiD-labeled cells appear in shades of yellow because of simultaneous red DiD and green GFP labeling. Also indicated is the AWC (amphid wing C) neuron, an amphid neuron that does not take up DiD, which senses the odorant isoamyl alcohol and can be identified by its position adjacent to ASH (amphid, single ciliated neuron). E, ARR-1::GFP expression in the vulva region of transgenic adults. The arrowhead points to the vulva. The large arrow indicates the HSN (hermaphrodite-specific neuron), and the small arrow points to the ventral nerve cord. F, ARR-1::GFP expression in the tail of a transgenic adult. Fluorescence is observed in many posterior neuronal cell bodies.
Anatomy (13)
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