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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000008841

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WBPicture0000008841DescriptionSubcellular localization of DYC-1 protein in muscle cells. Immunofluorescence images of wild-type animals (A-F). (A, D) Dense body localization of the DEB-1/vinculin protein labeled with MH24 antibody (red). (B) Localization of the dyc-1:gfpX reporter gene (green, the signal is amplified with anti-GFP antibodies). (C) Merge of A and B. In the magnification of two dense bodies, the green GFP signal is seen at the edges of the red MH24 signal. (E) Localization of the DYC-1 protein labeled with purified anti-DYC-1 antibodies (green). (F) Merge of D and E with a magnification of two dense bodies. Note that as in C, the green (DYC-1) signal is located at the edges of dense bodies (red MH24 signal).
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