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WBPicture0000010029DescriptionFigure 3. Localization of Ciliary Proteins in AWB Cilia. (A-E) Shown are the localization patterns of GFP-tagged (A) STR-1, (B) SRD-23, (C) ODR-3, (D) TAX-2, and (E) OSM-6 in the cilia of an AWB neuron in the indicated growth conditions and genetic backgrounds. For klp-11 and bbs-8; odr-1 mutants, the cilia branch length phenotypes exhibited by a subset of these animals are indicated in a second panel in (A). The asterisk in (A) indicates accumulation at the ciliary base in kap-1; osm-3 double mutants. ODR-3::GFP and TAX-2::GFP rescue the corresponding mutant phenotypes, and their localization patterns in these mutant backgrounds are shown. OSM-6::GFP was previously shown to rescue the osm-6 phenotype in the AWB neurons (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2007). Alleles used were odr-1(n1936), tax-4(ks11), egl-19(n2368gf), klp-11(tm324), kap-1(ok676), bbs-8(nx77), osm-3(p802), and grk-2(gk268). WT, wild-type. The scale bars are 15 um.(F) Summary of localization patterns of GFP-tagged proteins in AWB cilia.
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