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WBPicture0000010063DescriptionFigure 3. The Expression Pattern of MADD-2. (A-J') All animals shown express functional MADD-2::GFP driven by madd-2 regulatory elements from the trIs31 transgene.(A-D) Epifluorescent micrographs; (A'-D') the corresponding light micrographs. The scale bar in (A) represents 25 um and is the same for (A)-(D'). (A and B) Lateral and ventral views, respectively, of a ~350 min-stage embryo. MADD-2 is highly expressed in the ventral hypodermal blast cells (arrow in [A]), which have extended to the ventral midline (arrow in [B]). (C) As myogenesis ensues, MADD-2 expression is visible in the myoblasts (arrow).(D) At the three-fold stage, asymmetric localization of MADD-2 near the dorsal hypodermal ridge is visible (arrow).(E) A dorsal view of a second larval-stage (L2) animal showing MADD-2 expression in the BWMs and enrichment on the left side of the dorsal hypodermal ridge. The scale bar represents 20 um.(F) A similar view as in (E), but of a young adult. For (E) and (F), anterior is oriented toward the right. The scale bar represents 50 um.(G) A merged image of MADD-2::CFP (green), expressed specifically in select BWMs with the him-4 promoter, with a marker for the muscle membrane (red). The arrowhead indicates MADD-2 localization to the dense bodies.(H-H'') Magnifications of the MADD-2::CFP localization at the muscle arm termini. The scale bars in (G) and (H) represent 5 um.(I) A ventral-lateral view of a young adult. Enrichment at the muscle arm termini is indicated with a white arrowhead, and the SDQR and AVM neurons are indicated. The vulva slit in (I)-(J') is indicated with a red arrowhead. The scale bar represents 50 um.(J) MADD-2 is enriched at the site where the vulval muscles contact the vulval epithelium.(J') A deeper focal plan of (J) showing the MADD-2 expression in the HSNr. The scale bar represents 25 um. An extended description of the expression pattern of MADD-2 is provided in Figures S2 and S3.
AcknowledgmentTemplateReprinted from <Journal_URL>, <Article_URL>, Copyright <Publication_year>, with permission from <Publisher_URL>.