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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000012468

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WBPicture0000012468DescriptionFigure 1. MISC-1::GFP reporter expression and its subcellular localization during C. elegans development. (A-B) GFP image and GFP/ DIC overlay of MISC-1::GFP expression in an early embryo. Expression is in intestinal precursor cells and has a typically mitochondrial sub-cellular localization. (C-D) GFP image and GFP/DIC overlay of reporter expression in a newly hatched L1 animal. Expression can be observed in the intestine (arrowhead points to one typical cell) and in four head neurons (arrows). As in (A,B), the GFP reporter also has a string-like appearance typical of mitochondria. (E-F) GFP image and GFP/DIC overlay of reporter expression in an adult. Expression is strongest in the pharyngeal corpus. (G) Muscles of a MISC-1::GFP adult. MISC-1::GFP co-localizes with muscle mitochondria stained with the dye Mitotracker CMXRos (MT), as seen in the overlay. (H) Seam cell syncytium of a MISC-1::GFP adult. Mitochondria were stained with Mitotracker CMXRos and nuclei were counterstained with DAPI. The overlay shows the alternating pattern of mitochondria and nuclei in the seam cell syncytium, and illustrates how MISC-1::GFP co-localizes with the mitochondria.
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