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WBPicture0000012936DescriptionFig-1. Core molecular pathways required for the engulf-ment of apoptotic cells. Proteins of the CED-10 Rac pathway are labeled in yellow. Proteins of the CED-1 pathway are labeled in green. C. elegans protein names are indicated above and their mammalian homologs below. The Wave Regulatory Complex (WRC) contains ABI-1, GEX-2, GEX-3, WVE-1 and NUO-3. The dashed arrow from CED-6 to CED-10 indicates that CED-1, CED-6 and CED-7 might also signal through CED-10 [6]. The CED-1 pathway is required for engulfment only, whereas the CED-10 Rac pathway is required for both engulfment and DTC migration. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1003115.g001Author SummaryCell death is a normal part of organismal development. When cells die, other cells engulf them. In the roundworm C. elegans, engulfment is facilitated by one pathway that rearranges the actin cytoskeleton and another that recruits membrane. Together they cause the formation of cellular extensions that surround the dead cell. Notably, little is known about how engulfment is inhibited. The cytoskel-etal regulatory pathway, which also promotes cell migra-tion, includes CED-10 and ABI-1, homologs of the actin regulators Rac and the Abi proteins, respectively. In mammals, the c-Cbl proto-oncogene interacts with Rac and Abi2 and has been shown to regulate the actin cytoskeleton, so we tested whether the C. elegans homolog of Cbl, SLI-1, regulates engulfment and cell migration. We found that SLI-1 inhibits both processes. Our analysis further showed that SLI-1 does not function by inhibiting other known engulfment proteins. Cbl proteins have ubiquitin ligase domains through which they target proteins for destruction or sequestration. Most of the known functions of Cbl proteins require that domain, but we found that SLI-1 did not require it to block engulfment and cell migration. We propose that SLI-1 inhibits engulfment and cell migration through a previ-ously unidentified pathway.
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