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WBPicture0000013098DescriptionFigure 8. Speculative model of genetic interactions involving the paqr-1 and paqr-2 genes. This model could explain the observed genetic interactions in the following way: 1) paqr-1 or paqr-2 are synthetic lethal with sbp-1 (or fat-6) due to reduced fatty acid synthesis/ TAG storage (reduced substrate supply) and reduced fatty acid oxidation, leading to ATP shortage; 2) paqr-2;nhr-49 is lethal because two redundant pathways regulating fatty acid oxidation are impaired; 3) paqr-2;aak-2 are healthier than the paqr-2 single mutant because the aak-2 mutation causes increased lipolysis, thus providing more fatty acids for energy production; and 4) paqr-2 nhr-80 double mutants have decreased fatty acid desaturation (since nhr-80 is a positive regulator of fat-5 and fat-7), which may result in improved membrane fluidity at 15uC. Mutations in genes highlighted in red were synthetic lethal with paqr-2 while those in green produced genetic rescues.
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AcknowledgmentTemplateReprinted from <Journal_URL>, <Article_URL>. <Publisher_URL> <Publication_year>.