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WBPicture0000013619DescriptionCAN axon defects in ced-10(M+); mig-2 double mutants. (A) A ced-10(n1993)\/dpy-13(e184); mig-2(mu28) animal. This animal was non-Unc, non-Wit, non-Egl and non-pVul. (B) A ced-10(n1993M+); mig-2(mu28) homozygote. This animal was Unc, Dpy, Wit, Egl and pVul. (C-G) Fluorescence micrographs of GFP expression from a ceh-10::gfp transgene expressed in the CAN neurons of living animals. (C) The CAN neuron of a wild-type animal is shown. The out-of-focus bright spot near the vulva is the CAN cell body on the other side of the animal. Some head neurons also express ceh-10::gfp. (D) A ced-10(n1993M+); mig-2(mu28) double mutant. The posterior CAN axon terminated prematurely. CAN cell position was normal in this animal. (E) The posterior CAN axon of a ced-10(M+); mig-2 double mutant displayed an ectopic axon branch. (F) A posterior CAN axon of a ced-10(n1993M+); mig-2(mu28) double mutant was misguided, turned 180 and extended anteriorly before terminating. Arrowheads trace the trajectory of the axon. The background fluorescence is autofluorescence of the gut. (G) A ced-10(n1993M+); mig-2(mu28) double mutant. The CAN cell body failed in its posterior migration. The posterior CAN axon of this animal extended to its normal position in the tail of the animal. The trajectory of the main axon is traced by arrowheads. Anterior, left; dorsal, top. The location of the vulva is indicated by a V. Scale bars: 50 um in A-D,G; 10 um in E,F.
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