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WBPicture0000014893DescriptionFigure 6. DEX-1 is localized to the outer ridges of the lateral alae. (A) Functional781 full-length dex-1p::sfgfp::dex-1 and truncated dex-1p::dex-1(ecto)::sfgfp constructs782 rescue the dex-1(ns42) SDS sensitivity phenotype to wild-type levels. Error bars, 95%783 confidence interval. Non-overlapping confidence intervals were considered significantly784 different (*) (n=60 per genotype pooled from three independent trials). (B) Lateral view785 overlay (top), fluorescence (middle), and DIC (bottom) micrograph of a dex-1(ns42)786 dauer expressing a full length dex-1p::sfgfp::dex-1 construct. The full length dex787 1p::sfgfp::dex-1 construct rescues the lateral alae phenotype in a mosaic pattern. dex788 1::sfgfp::dex-1 localizes in a diffuse pattern to the areas immediately below the outer789 ridges of rescued, intact lateral alae (arrowhead). In contrast, in areas where lateral alae790 are not rescued, DEX-1 expression is bright and punctate and localizes throughout the791 lateral ridge (arrow). Scale bar, 10um.
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