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WormBase Tree Display for RNAi: WBRNAi00090892

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Experiment (5)
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
PhenotypeWBPhenotype:0000679RemarkPEPT-1::DsRED fluorescence intensity reduced; GFP::RAB-11 recycling endosome (RE) morphology appears diffuse or GFP::RAB-11 is cytosolically distributed; Autofluorescent lysosome-related organelles (AF/LROs) are enlarged or accumulated; Autofluorescent lysosome-related organelles (AF/LROs) appear diffuse; Autofluorescent lysosome-related organelles (AF/LROs) material is extracellulary, in the gut lumen
WBPhenotype:0001278RemarkPEPT-1::DsRED fluorescence intensity reduced; GFP::RAB-11 recycling endosome (RE) morphology appears diffuse or GFP::RAB-11 is cytosolically distributed; Autofluorescent lysosome-related organelles (AF/LROs) are enlarged or accumulated; Autofluorescent lysosome-related organelles (AF/LROs) appear diffuse; Autofluorescent lysosome-related organelles (AF/LROs) material is extracellulary, in the gut lumen
WBPhenotype:0002094RemarkPEPT-1::DsRED fluorescence intensity reduced; GFP::RAB-11 recycling endosome (RE) morphology appears diffuse or GFP::RAB-11 is cytosolically distributed; Autofluorescent lysosome-related organelles (AF/LROs) are enlarged or accumulated; Autofluorescent lysosome-related organelles (AF/LROs) appear diffuse; Autofluorescent lysosome-related organelles (AF/LROs) material is extracellulary, in the gut lumen
WBPhenotype:0002095RemarkPEPT-1::DsRED fluorescence intensity reduced; GFP::RAB-11 recycling endosome (RE) morphology appears diffuse or GFP::RAB-11 is cytosolically distributed; Autofluorescent lysosome-related organelles (AF/LROs) are enlarged or accumulated; Autofluorescent lysosome-related organelles (AF/LROs) appear diffuse; Autofluorescent lysosome-related organelles (AF/LROs) material is extracellulary, in the gut lumen
WBPhenotype:0002099RemarkPEPT-1::DsRED fluorescence intensity reduced; GFP::RAB-11 recycling endosome (RE) morphology appears diffuse or GFP::RAB-11 is cytosolically distributed; Autofluorescent lysosome-related organelles (AF/LROs) are enlarged or accumulated; Autofluorescent lysosome-related organelles (AF/LROs) appear diffuse; Autofluorescent lysosome-related organelles (AF/LROs) material is extracellulary, in the gut lumen
Remark(Table S1) R10E11.8/vha-1 RNAi