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WormBase Tree Display for RNAi: WBRNAi00101699

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ExperimentDate16 Jul 2013 00:00:00
TreatmentWorms were exposed to RNAi starting on day 2 of adulthood and then observed for the effects of down-regulation of the Wnt signaling pathway on the expression of the elt-3(genomic)::GFP reporter on day 5 of adulthood. To examine changes in expression of GFP and mCherry reporters with respect to age and RNAi treatment, 20 worms were picked at 2 different ages (2 and 5 days of adulthood), grown on control or anti-Wnts RNAi plates, and then measured for levels of GFP and mCherry expression using quantitative fluorescence microscopy. Specifically, pixel intensity was used to quantify the level of GFP or mCherry expression for both wild-type and RNAi treatment for each gene. Twenty hermaphrodites from each strain were analyzed for GFP and mCherry expression.
Inhibits (3)
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
PhenotypeWBPhenotype:0001236Remarkmom-2 RNAi resulted in increased expression of the elt-3(genomic)::GFP transgene in day 5 adults
Remark(Figure S3) mom-2 RNAi. Exact sequence used for RNAi not stated by authors, Ahringer laboratory clone used for curation.