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WormBase Tree Display for RNAi: WBRNAi00106387

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Experiment (3)
InhibitsPredicted_gene (3)
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
Phenotype_not_observedWBPhenotype:0000059Remark"... we first compiled a list of C-elegans chaperones (97 genes) (Table 1) and examined the effects of down-regulation of each chaperone in wild-type animals (Figure 2A). Down-regulation of genes encoding 10 chaperones (17 genes), including CTT, HSP-1 (Hsc70/HSPA8), HSP-4 (BIP), HSP-6 (Mortalin), and DAF-21 (Hsp90), resulted in severe organismal phenotypes, such as lethality, developmental arrest, or sterility (Table 1, Figure S2). In contrast, downregulation of genes encoding most chaperones examined had no apparent phenotypes (Table 1). Our data are in agreement with published RNAi screens for wild-type RNAi treatment (Table 1, data curated by wormbase). When knockout mutants or data from enhanced RNAi efficacy experiments, (for example via dsDNA [sic] injection into the gonads) were considered, more acute phenotypes were observed for some chaperones (Table 1, data curated by wormbase)." "As expected, down-regulation of only two chaperones, unc45 or unc-23, showed a marked movement defect. For example, based on their impact on muscular ultrastructure or their involvement in myopathies, molecular chaperones, such as TRIC (cct), alpha-B-crystallin/HSPB5 (hsp-25), and DNAJB6 (dnj-24), were suggested to play a key role in sarcomere assembly and maintenance (Ding and Candido, 2000; Vang et al., 2005; Kim et al., 2008; Willis et al., 2009; Willis and Patterson, 2010; Garrido et al., 2012; Haslbeck et al., 2012; Sarparanta et al., 2012). Although these chaperones are associated with the sarcomere (Leroux and Candido, 1997; Ding and Candido, 2000; Meissner et al., 2011), knockdown of their genes by feeding RNAi did not result in notable motility defects (Table 1)."
WBPhenotype:0000643Remark"... we first compiled a list of C-elegans chaperones (97 genes) (Table 1) and examined the effects of down-regulation of each chaperone in wild-type animals (Figure 2A). Down-regulation of genes encoding 10 chaperones (17 genes), including CTT, HSP-1 (Hsc70/HSPA8), HSP-4 (BIP), HSP-6 (Mortalin), and DAF-21 (Hsp90), resulted in severe organismal phenotypes, such as lethality, developmental arrest, or sterility (Table 1, Figure S2). In contrast, downregulation of genes encoding most chaperones examined had no apparent phenotypes (Table 1). Our data are in agreement with published RNAi screens for wild-type RNAi treatment (Table 1, data curated by wormbase). When knockout mutants or data from enhanced RNAi efficacy experiments, (for example via dsDNA [sic] injection into the gonads) were considered, more acute phenotypes were observed for some chaperones (Table 1, data curated by wormbase)." "As expected, down-regulation of only two chaperones, unc45 or unc-23, showed a marked movement defect. For example, based on their impact on muscular ultrastructure or their involvement in myopathies, molecular chaperones, such as TRIC (cct), alpha-B-crystallin/HSPB5 (hsp-25), and DNAJB6 (dnj-24), were suggested to play a key role in sarcomere assembly and maintenance (Ding and Candido, 2000; Vang et al., 2005; Kim et al., 2008; Willis et al., 2009; Willis and Patterson, 2010; Garrido et al., 2012; Haslbeck et al., 2012; Sarparanta et al., 2012). Although these chaperones are associated with the sarcomere (Leroux and Candido, 1997; Ding and Candido, 2000; Meissner et al., 2011), knockdown of their genes by feeding RNAi did not result in notable motility defects (Table 1)."
WBPhenotype:0000688Remark"... we first compiled a list of C-elegans chaperones (97 genes) (Table 1) and examined the effects of down-regulation of each chaperone in wild-type animals (Figure 2A). Down-regulation of genes encoding 10 chaperones (17 genes), including CTT, HSP-1 (Hsc70/HSPA8), HSP-4 (BIP), HSP-6 (Mortalin), and DAF-21 (Hsp90), resulted in severe organismal phenotypes, such as lethality, developmental arrest, or sterility (Table 1, Figure S2). In contrast, downregulation of genes encoding most chaperones examined had no apparent phenotypes (Table 1). Our data are in agreement with published RNAi screens for wild-type RNAi treatment (Table 1, data curated by wormbase). When knockout mutants or data from enhanced RNAi efficacy experiments, (for example via dsDNA [sic] injection into the gonads) were considered, more acute phenotypes were observed for some chaperones (Table 1, data curated by wormbase)." "As expected, down-regulation of only two chaperones, unc45 or unc-23, showed a marked movement defect. For example, based on their impact on muscular ultrastructure or their involvement in myopathies, molecular chaperones, such as TRIC (cct), alpha-B-crystallin/HSPB5 (hsp-25), and DNAJB6 (dnj-24), were suggested to play a key role in sarcomere assembly and maintenance (Ding and Candido, 2000; Vang et al., 2005; Kim et al., 2008; Willis et al., 2009; Willis and Patterson, 2010; Garrido et al., 2012; Haslbeck et al., 2012; Sarparanta et al., 2012). Although these chaperones are associated with the sarcomere (Leroux and Candido, 1997; Ding and Candido, 2000; Meissner et al., 2011), knockdown of their genes by feeding RNAi did not result in notable motility defects (Table 1)."
Remark(Table 1) hsp-25 RNAi. Exact sequence used for RNAi not stated by authors, Ahringer laboratory clone used for curation. If Ahringer clone not available, Vidal laboratory clone used for curation.