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WormBase Tree Display for RNAi: WBRNAi00116363

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Name Class

Experiment (2)
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
Phenotype_not_observedWBPhenotype:0001901RemarkAnimals grown without RNAi until approximately 24 hours past L1 when worms were washed and transferred to RNAi plates. Animals were allowed to grow to the young adult stage on RNAi plates, fixed and stained with Nile red. Authors call this Late Start Nile Red staining.
RemarkAnimals grown without RNAi until approximately 24 hours past L1 when worms were washed and transferred to RNAi plates. Animals were allowed to grow to the young adult stage on RNAi plates, fixed and stained with Nile red. Authors call this Late Start Nile Red staining.