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WormBase Tree Display for Rearrangement: mnDp1

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Remark[Eddy SR] probable left breakpoint in overlap between Y46E3 and Y41C8!
by fluorescent in situ hybridization
[Eddy SR] probable left breakpoint in overlap with Y46E3 and Y41C8!
[Eddy SR] mnDp1 is probably internally deleted and missing part of Y52C11 and Y59B2
[Eddy SR] mnDp1 is probably internally deleted and missing part of Y59B6 and Y59B2
Summary: Translocated duplication, well characterized, does not recombine with normal homologues. Very effective balancer for right portion of LG X from right end through let-4.Paper_evidenceWBPaper00029020
Growth conditions: Brood size of reference strain ~235. Unc-3 progeny constitute 25% of total, and about a third of total are slow-growing, sterile duplication homozygotes.Paper_evidenceWBPaper00029020
Handling: Easy to manipulate. Males mate well. mnDp1 is attached to LG V near the left end, and severely reduces recombination frequency from unc-60 to dpy-11.Paper_evidenceWBPaper00029020
Recommended use: General balancing, strain construction, strain maintenance, mutant screens.
Isolation (2)
Map (2)
Positive (2)
Mapping_dataPos_neg_data (35)
Strain (52)
Reference (32)