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WormBase Tree Display for Sequence: Y111B2A

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Name Class

SMapS_child (13)
DB_info (5)
OriginFrom_authorSulston JE
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
RemarkTransposon Y111B2A.6 converted into an S_Child [020208 kj]
Properties (3)
Assembly_tagsFinished Left16Y111B2A
annotation228063228045First select a Feature - [ ] Unsure [ ] Misc_feature Then select the text for the note(s) - [ ] Tandem repeat [x] Single clone region [ ] Forced join [ ] Other Add a comment here - join confirmed by repH sequence
10431087First select a Feature - [ ] Unsure [x] Misc_feature Then select the text for the note(s) - [ ] Tandem repeat [x] Single clone region [ ] Forced join [ ] Other Add a comment here - SIL of sp27c12
1440414491First select a Feature - [ ] Unsure [x] Misc_feature Then select the text for the note(s) - [ ] Tandem repeat [ ] Single clone region [ ] Forced join [x] Other Add a comment here - primers only here
7045070485First select a Feature - [ ] Unsure [x] Misc_feature Then select the text for the note(s) - [ ] Tandem repeat [ ] Single clone region [ ] Forced join [x] Other Add a comment here - single direction primers in inverted repeat
110255110545First select a Feature - [ ] Unsure [x] Misc_feature Then select the text for the note(s) - [ ] Tandem repeat [x] Single clone region [ ] Forced join [ ] Other Add a comment here - this region contains reads from SIL of sp15g11
110727110852First select a Feature - [ ] Unsure [ ] Misc_feature Then select the text for the note(s) - [ ] Tandem repeat [x] Single clone region [ ] Forced join [ ] Other Add a comment here - join made using repK data
110728110853First select a Feature - [ ] Unsure [ ] Misc_feature Then select the text for the note(s) - [ ] Tandem repeat [x] Single clone region [ ] Forced join [ ] Other Add a comment here - join made using repK data
117271117433First select a Feature - [ ] Unsure [x] Misc_feature Then select the text for the note(s) - [ ] Tandem repeat [ ] Single clone region [ ] Forced join [x] Other Add a comment here - primer only over inverted repeat
117275117275First select a Feature - [ ] Unsure [x] Misc_feature Then select the text for the note(s) - [ ] Tandem repeat [ ] Single clone region [ ] Forced join [x] Other Add a comment here - primers only here, unable to sequence terminators.
117638117697First select a Feature - [ ] Unsure [x] Misc_feature Then select the text for the note(s) - [ ] Tandem repeat [ ] Single clone region [ ] Forced join [x] Other Add a comment here - single direction primers only here
178263178307First select a Feature - [ ] Unsure [ ] Misc_feature Then select the text for the note(s) - [ ] Tandem repeat [x] Single clone region [ ] Forced join [ ] Other Add a comment here - join confirmed by inv. rpt
186029187279First select a Feature - [ ] Unsure [x] Misc_feature Then select the text for the note(s) - [x] Tandem repeat [ ] Single clone region [ ] Forced join [ ] Other Add a comment here - Repeat contains 156bp single clone region. so95e8 SIL confirms join but does not cover the single clone region. Edited to the remainder of the repeat.
223406223443First select a Feature - [ ] Unsure [ ] Misc_feature Then select the text for the note(s) - [ ] Tandem repeat [x] Single clone region [ ] Forced join [ ] Other Add a comment here - area contained within IR-2 rpt, bridged by so82b5 and sp12c12
223456223488First select a Feature - [ ] Unsure [ ] Misc_feature Then select the text for the note(s) - [ ] Tandem repeat [x] Single clone region [ ] Forced join [ ] Other Add a comment here - area contained within IR-2 rpt, bridged by so82b5 and sp12c12
240295240303First select a Feature - [ ] Unsure [ ] Misc_feature Then select the text for the note(s) - [ ] Tandem repeat [x] Single clone region [ ] Forced join [ ] Other Add a comment here - join confirmed by repJ
Finished Right257700257705Y111B2A