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WormBase Tree Display for Sequence: Y75B8A

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SMapS_child (12)
Clone_right_end (2)
DB_remark[121025] Sequence correction WBsf267929 : Insertion T1 bases from @ 34260
OriginFrom_authorBarlow K
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
Status (3)
Assembly_tagsClone left end16Y75B8
Finished Left16Y75B8A
annotation3426034262First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[X] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[ ] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[X] OtherAdd a comment here -This area is covered only by two subclones. The subclone from the Y75B8 library reads gtg whereas the suclone from Y79H2 reads gttgg. The sequence has been edited to the sequence given by the Y75B8 clone.
3371733840First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[X] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[X] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[ ] OtherAdd a comment here -Region only covered by a single clone sw82g1 as well as sonicated reads from this subclone
First select a Feature -
[ ] Unsure
[X] Misc_feature
Then select the text for the note(s) -
[ ] Tandem repeat
[X] Single clone region
[ ] Forced join
[ ] Other
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Region covered only by sonicated reads of subclone sx15g5
First select a Feature -
[ ] Unsure
[X] Misc_feature
Then select the text for the note(s) -
[ ] Tandem repeat
[X] Single clone region
[ ] Forced join
[ ] Other
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Region covered only by reads from a sonication of subclone sx14b2.
First select a Feature -
[ ] Unsure
[X] Misc_feature
Then select the text for the note(s) -
[ ] Tandem repeat
[X] Single clone region
[ ] Forced join
[ ] Other
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Region only contains sonicated reads from subclone sx09f1.
First select a Feature -
[ ] Unsure
[X] Misc_feature
Then select the text for the note(s) -
[ ] Tandem repeat
[X] Single clone region
[ ] Forced join
[ ] Other
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Region covered only by sonicated reads from subclone sx12c2.
4958549602First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[x] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[ ] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[x] OtherAdd a comment here -number of g's in this run is uncertain it has been edited to the maximum ie 18
9265192663First select a Feature -[X] Unsure[ ] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[ ] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[X] OtherAdd a comment here -This region of 13bp is covered only by single direction dye primers. There are two subclones covering this point. The region falls in the arm of an inverted repeat.
121730121761First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[X] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[ ] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[X] OtherAdd a comment here -Clone Y75B8 has deleted these copies of the tandem repeat. It has been edited to the maximum number as shown by the overlapping clones H26P12 and Y79H2.
170840170842First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[X] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[ ] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[X] OtherAdd a comment here -The sequence for the overlapping cloneY79H2 reads cAg and not cGg. This looksto be a base variation between thesetwo clones.
177609177888First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[X] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[X] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[ ] OtherAdd a comment here -Region covered only by the subclone qb19b1. Region is only covered with terminator chemistry. This is contained in the arm of an inverted repeat.
178204178668First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[X] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[X] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[ ] OtherAdd a comment here -Region covered only by the subclone qb19a5.Subclone has been sequenced with terminator and primer chemistries.
219184219210First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[X] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[ ] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[X] OtherAdd a comment here -Region is covered by two subclones one of which has deleted out one copy of a tandem repeat at this point.
229457229494First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[X] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[X] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[ ] OtherAdd a comment here -Region covered only by a single direction primer read. This region is in an arm of an inverted repeat.
229582229613First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[X] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[X] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[ ] OtherAdd a comment here -Region is covered only with a single clone, which lies in the arm of an inverted repeat.
284270284306First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[X] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[X] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[ ] OtherAdd a comment here -Region is covered only by a single clone. The subclone has been sequenced with both chemistries.
103372104263First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[X] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[X] Tandem repeat[ ] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[ ] OtherAdd a comment here -Tandem repeat region containing false join and also single clone regions. Repeat element is 11bp long. There is variation between some of the copies.
185287186390First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[X] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[ ] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[X] OtherAdd a comment here -Region contains dispersed IR-2 inverted repeat similar to sequence U86947. The repeat is flanked by a tandem duplication of the sequence CAATT. This region contains some areas of single clone. The first arm of the inverted repeat has approximately 135bp missing which has been represented with the sequence from the second arm.
198487199278First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[X] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[ ] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[X] OtherAdd a comment here -Dispersed IR-2 inverted repeat similar to sequence U86947. Repeat is flanked by a tandem duplication of the sequence ATAG. The region contains a single clone.
209915210969First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[X] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[X] Tandem repeat[ ] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[ ] OtherAdd a comment here -The tandem repeat unit is 31bp. The area also contains a single clone region.
276833279139First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[X] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[X] Tandem repeat[ ] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[ ] OtherAdd a comment here -This tandem repeat region contains a forced join and also single clone regions. The repeat elements are approximately 37bp long, and show variation between the copies.
Clone right end184509184512Y79H2
Finished Right298402298407Y75B8A