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WormBase Tree Display for Strain: WBStrain00026323

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GenotypeCaenorhabditis elegans wild isolate.
ContainsVariation (290)
RemarkLSJ2 is a sister strain to the standard N2 laboratory strain. Both LSJ2 and N2 are descended from a single animal isolated by W. Nicholas from a mushroom compost culture provided by L. Staniland in Bristol, England. The strain was transferred to E. Dougherty's laboratory at the Kaiser Foundation Research Institute in the 1950s, and in the late 1950s it separated into two substrains. One of these substrains was mistakenly believed to be C. briggsae and represents the LSJ2 lineage. S. Brenner received a cultivar of the second substrain from E. Dougherty in 1964; this cultivar became N2. The LSJ2 lineage was continuously cultivated in liquid axenic media at the University of California, Berkeley and at San Jose State University thereafter. In 1995, a cultivar of the strain was sent to the Caenorhabditis genetics centre and frozen to become LSJ1. In 2009, N. Lu from San Jose State University provided a second cultivar of the strain that had been grown for an additional 14 ears in axenic media; this strain is designated LSJ2.Paper_evidenceWBPaper00040097
Reference WBPaper00059179 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search.
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans