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WormBase Tree Display for Strain: WBStrain00027441

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Name Class

GenotypenDf51 V.
CGC_received31 May 2006 00:00:00
RemarkRetarded heterochronic phenotype. Worms reiterate L2-stage programs, have extra seams cells, gapped alae, and >30% burst at the vulva at the L4 molt. Phenotype suppressed post-dauer. Deficiency deletes 5930 bp of F56A12 starting from 3520 to 9451, starting 1762 bp upstream of mir-241, covering mir-241 and lin-58. lin-58 is at 5908-5885 and mir-241 is at 7681-7661.Inferred_automaticallyFrom CGC strain data
Retarded heterochronic phenotype. Worms reiterate L2-stage programs, have extra seams cells, gapped alae, and >30% burst at the vulva at the L4 molt. Phenotype suppressed post-dauer. nDf51 is a 5930 bp deletion starting 1762 bp upstream of mir-241, removing mir-241, mir-48, and F56A12.6 (snoRNA).Inferred_automaticallyFrom CGC strain data
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans