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WormBase Tree Display for Transgene: WBTransgene00015084

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Construction_summaryTo create Pegl-1(mut)gfp, the Pegl::1gfp construct was first split into two parts. A 3.5-kb PstI fragment was dropped out, creating pJW001, and the 3.5-kb PstI fragment was cloned into pBluescript II KS, creating pMP024. Mutations were made using Phusion (Finnzymes) site-directed mutagenesis. In pJW001, two mutations were made by changing 5'-TTTCCCGCATGAA-3' to 5'-TTTAGGCCTTGAA-3' and 5'-AGTTCCCGCGTTT-3' to 5'-AGTACTAGTGTTT-3'. In pMP024, three mutations were made, changing 5'-TTTCGCGCATT-3' to 5'-TTTCGATCATT-3', 5'-TTTCGCGCATTTC-3' to 5'-TTTAGGCCTTTTC-3', and 5'-ATTGCGCGAGACC-3' to 5'-ATTACTAGTGACC-3'. Mutations were confirmed by sequencing. The pMP024 PstI fragment was then excised and recombined with pJW001 to create the final Pegl-1(mut) gfp construct.
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans