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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr16239

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Expression_data (3)
PatternTo investigate the subcellular localization of α integrin/INA-1, we expressed a rescuing fluorescently tagged INA-1 (Pina-1::INA-1::GFP) together with transcriptional reporters labeling either GABAergic or cholinergic motor neurons (Punc-47::mCherry or Pacr-2::mCherry, respectively). Similar to previous studies, we noted that INA-1::GFP is present in many tissues in both L1 and L4 stage animals, in particular in neurons of the head, tail, and ventral nerve cord. We found that INA-1 is expressed at low levels in DD GABAergic motor neuron somas of L1 stage animals, and INA-1::GFP fluorescence was occasionally visible within GABAergic DD commissures. At the L4 stage, we also noted low levels of INA-1::GFP expression in GABAergic neuronal cell bodies, consistent with our above expression analysis. Notably, we also observed clear INA-1::GFP fluorescence in neurites that overlapped with Punc-47::mCherry expression, indicating significant levels of integrin in GABAergic processes. As noted above for the Pina-1::GFP transcriptional reporter, we found that INA-1::GFP fluorescence in the ventral nerve cord is not limited to GABAergic motor neurons. To define the identities of these additional neurons with α integrin/INA-1 expression, we examined co-expression of INA-1::GFP with the Pacr-2::mCherry cholinergic marker. At the L1 stage, we found that INA-1::GFP is localized to a subset of cholinergic motor neurons. In contrast, by the L4 stage, INA-1::GFP is present in virtually all cholinergic motor neurons. As noted for the Pina-1::GFP transcriptional reporter, average INA-1::GFP fluorescence intensity in cholinergic cell bodies was brighter in comparison to GABAergic cell bodies but is somewhat variable across cholinergic motor neurons, perhaps pointing to cell-type-specific regulation of integrin. Notably however, neurites labeled by the cholinergic marker showed less robust INA-1::GFP fluorescence compared with GABAergic processes, suggesting less efficient distribution of integrin to the processes of cholinergic neurons.