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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr2392

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Name Class

Expression_data (2)
PatternIntermediate expression (0.5-1.0X of control ama-1 expression): embryo, L2 larva.
Strong expression (>1.0X of control ama-1 expression): L3 larva, L4 larva, adult hermaphrodite, adult male.
Weak expression (<0.5X of control ama-1 expression): L1 larva
RemarkType: RT-PCR. sqRT-PCR, using RNA isolated from embryos, L1, L2, L3, and L4 larvae, young adult hermaphrodites, and mixed-stage him-8 mutants that give rise to male-enriched cultures. Transcript levels are presented relative to that of a control transcript, ama-1.