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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr2564

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Subcellular_localizationDuring all mitotic divisions examined, GPR-1/GPR-2 and LIN-5 were present at the cell cortex and spindle asters. GPR-1/GPR-2 and LIN-5 were detected at the spindle asters and at the membranes between germ-precursor nuclei in the distal gonad arms. During the formation and maturation of oocytes, GPR-1/GPR-2 and LIN-5 localized diffusely to the cytoplasm and more prominently to the nuclear and cytoplasmic membranes, in particular to membranes between adjacent oocytes. Following fertilization and meiosis, GPR-1/GPR-2 and LIN-5 appeared at the duplicated centrosomes associated with the sperm pronucleus. GPR-1/GPR-2 and LIN-5 both became progressively more abundant at the spindle asters during the formation of the first mitotic spindle. Both proteins also localized diffusely around the kinetochore MTs in metaphase. Although the latter localization disappeared in early anaphase, GPR-1/GPR-2 and LIN-5 persisted at the spindle asters until chromosome decondensation in telophase. On completion of cell cleavage, GPR-1/GPR-2 and LIN-5 were detected only at the cell cortex and cytoplasm. This pattern of spindle-associated localizations was repeated during subsequent mitotic divisions. The cortical localization appeared enriched between blastomeres, especially the cortical staining of LIN-5.
No other asymmetries in localization were detected until the four-cell stage. At that stage, both LIN-5 and GPR-1/GPR-2 showed significant accumulation at the boundary between the EMS and P2 blastomeres. Similar asymmetries were detected during some of the subsequent divisions.
Unlike LIN-5, GPR-1/GPR-2 were not detected at the meiotic spindle. In 15/18 embryos, GPR-1/GPR-2 antiserum diffusely stained the maternal pronucleus or condensed meiotic chromosomes. However, this staining is likely not specific, as similar staining was seen in 9/16 gpr-1/gpr-2(RNAi) embryos. In contrast, LIN-5 was abundantly present at the polar regions of the meiotic spindle.
TypeAntibodyMouse monoclonal antibody against LIN-5, anti-LIN-5 hel-1, was used for immunostaining.
Polyclonal rabbit antibody against GPR-1/GPR-2. A full-length cDNA clone of gpr-1 (yk103.a4, obtained from Y. Kohara) was used to express full-length or fragments of GPR-1 fused to either 10X Histidine, GST or GSTFlag epitopes in bacteria. Purified denatured full-length His-GPR-1 was used to generate and purify anti-GPR-1 serum. The affinity-purified GPR-1 antiserum showed a distinct staining pattern that was eliminated by gpr-1/gpr-2 RNAi.
RemarkThe close sequence identity of gpr-1 and gpr-2 prevented distinguishing between them in the experiments.