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WormBase Tree Display for Microarray_experiment: WBPaper00036464:RN6390_8H_REP2

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SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
RemarkAffymetrix .cel files were uploaded into the Resolver Gene Expression Data Analysis System, version 5.1 (Rosetta Inpharmatics) at the Harvard Center for Genomic Research for analysis. For each condition, three replicate microarrays were normalized and analyzed using the Resolver intensity error model for single color chips. The two conditions were then compared in Resolver to determine fold change for each probe set and a p-value, using a modified t test. Genes with a 2-fold or greater fold change and a p-value <0.01 were considered differentially expressed. Differentially expressed probe sets were compared for S. aureus infection. Value reported on GSE21819 was log2 RMA signal. Frequency values reported here are back-transformed to the linear scale, i.e. values are 2^VALUE.