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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000013916

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WBPicture0000013916DescriptionFig. 3. Dynamic expression of nlg-1 splices variants during development. (A) nlg-1 expression during development. Animals carrying the Pnlg-1::GFP transgene were imaged at 65 and 100 times magnifications. We observed nlg-1 promoter drive GFP expression from 1.5-fold stage into the adult. Key stages of embryonic and larval development of C. elegans are indicated on the top. For the embryonic development, samples were imaged by DIC and epifluorescence, respectively. The asterisks indicate autofluorescence in gut cells, and yellow arrowheads indicate GFP expressing cells. For the larval development cartoon of the distinct stages overlie panels showing epifluorescence images of the whole worm (upper), head region middle panel or orientated to highlight the ventral cord (lower panel) at distinct stages and magnification. The scale bars always correspond to 10 um.
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