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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000014377

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WBPicture0000014377DescriptionFig 1. C. elegans ilys-3 is expressed in the pharynx, intestine and coelomocytes. (A-C) GFP expressionn directed by the 1 Kb ilys-3 promoter (upstream the start codon). (A) Example of expression of ilys-3p in L1.(B) The transcriptional reporter expresses strongly in the pharyngeal muscle pm7 (grinder), in the marginal cell mc2 and in the intestine of an adult worm. (C) Details of the variation in ilys-3 transcription in intestinal int8and int9 cells in an adult worm. (D-I) Expression of the ily-3p::ILYS-3::mCherry translational fusion reporter. (D) Distribution of ILYS-3-associated vesicles in the cytoplasm of intestinal cells in an adult hermaphrodite. The intestinal lumen is also visible. (E) Detail of a late adult (8 day after L4) showing mCherry in the intestinal lumen, pharynx and coelomocytes with copious mCherry positive puncta in pharynx and diffuse distribution in intestinal lumen. (F and I) Detail of a late adult worm fed with 0.5 um yellow-green microspheres 1 hour before imaging showing accumulation of fluorescent beads (arrowhead) in the gut lumen together with faint ILYS-3::mCherry. (F) Fluorescence image and (I) overlay of a DIC image and the epifluorescence image shown in F. (G) Enlarged image showing coelomocyte expression of ILYS-3::mCherry. (H) Image of a starvation-induced dauer showing high luminal gut expression of ILYS-3::mCherry. (J-K) Representative images of the 4.5 Kb ilys-3 long promoter GFP construct in adult hermaphrodites. (J) Promoter activity in pharynx and intestine and (K) in the coelomocytes. ph:pharynx; int: intestine; cc: coelomocytes. Scale bars as indicated.
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